你可以通过很多方式向中央卡罗莱纳社区学院赠送礼物. 你的捐赠资助了学院的许多领域,包括奖学金、项目和教师. 请加入这长长的贵宾名单, 校友, parents and friends of 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 and help provide financial support to the College and its students and programs.


  • 直接的礼物


    • Write a check payable to the "预备基金会"; send it along with clear instructions for the use of your gift to:

      Sanford, NC 27330

    • 使用我们安全的在线捐赠表格.
    • Call the 预备基金会 at (919) 718-7332 if you prefer to give credit card information by phone or if you would like to talk with or arrange a meeting with a member of the Foundation staff.
    • Visit the 预备基金会 to give with a credit card or if you would like to talk with a member of the Foundation staff.
  • 计划的礼物

    除了帮助解决当前的需求, some friends of the college decide to assist with 在线电子游戏网赌's future needs by remembering the 预备基金会 in their wills and estate planning. 除非另有规定,遗赠通常会加入本基金会的捐赠基金. 这意味着您的捐赠,无论金额多少,都将继续支持在线电子游戏网赌的使命.


    • 遗赠-遗嘱中对ccc基金会的遗赠可以是指定的金额, 或者在其他特定遗赠完成后按一定比例给付. Many people find that this is the best way for them to fulfill their desire to support and remember Central Carolina.
    • 慈善信托-适用于拥有较多遗产的人士, 慈善信托可以在规划遗产时使用. 你可以用现金创建慈善信托, 股票, 或者其他资产, 这是对中交的一份厚礼, 同时也减少了你遗产的税收负担.
  • 礼物实物

    实物赠与是指捐赠的有形和无形资产和财产. 一些例子包括艺术品、书籍、设备、汽车和人工制品. 实物礼物也可以是一种持续的服务, such as 75Health's gift of free access to their electronic health records software platform for our Medical Assisting students. These gifts must be reviewed with special care to ensure their usefulness to the college's programs. 所有捐献在接受前须经基金会执行董事批准. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(919)718-7230.

  • 股票、债券 & 共同基金

    赠送增值股票, 债券, 共同基金和其他有价证券可以捐赠给中交基金会. 本基金会接受的证券通常在可行的情况下尽快出售. No agreement shall be made with a donor prior to or subsequent to a gift that such securities will be held for any period of time. 当你捐赠证券时, 而不是现金, you do not pay any capital gains tax on the appreciation in the securities and you receive a deduction for their full market value on the date of your gift.

    在进行任何形式的证券赠与之前, 请先联系中央卡罗莱纳社区学院基金会办公室.

    We will provide the necessary information to make sure the transaction is handled to your specifications and you receive proper credit for your gift. 请致电(919)718-7332联系在线电子游戏网赌基金会.

  • 企业配对礼品

    Many companies match charitable contributions made by their current or former employees or board members. 这是一个很好的方式来增加礼物的数量. 捐献人提供合适的配捐表格,以便提交给配捐公司. 捐赠人将获得原始捐赠和匹配捐赠的全额积分.

  • 适销房地产

    A gift to 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 can be made through the donation of real property--commercial or residential, 已开发或未开发. 捐赠给基金会的财产出售所得不向捐赠人征税, 前提是该财产不受赠与前签订的有约束力的出售协议的约束. 此外,该基金会出售房产通常是免税的.

    如果您正在考虑捐赠财产,请致电(919)718-7332 在线电子游戏网赌基金会.

  • 人寿保险

    Another possible way to remember the College is by making the 预备基金会 the beneficiary of a retirement account or a paid-up life insurance policy. 如果你正在考虑这种类型的礼物, 请记住,您需要更改帐户或保单上的受益人信息. The disposition of these kinds of accounts usually depends upon the beneficiary instructions you have designated on the account, 不是你遗嘱里的指示.

  • 退休计划

    个人可将在线电子游戏网赌指定为IRA的剩余受益人, 401(k), 403(B), 美国教师退休基金会, 基奥计划, VALEC或其他退休计划积累和/或其他公司福利计划.

    请联络您的退休计划管理人, 基金托管人, 财务顾问或律师讨论如何更改计划受益人.


  • 纪念砖

    A commemorative brick offers a unique and lasting way to memorialize or honor a student or a 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 retiree, 教师, or staff member; celebrate a special event; promote your business; or simply show your appreciation for the college!

    这些是真正的“铺路砖”,激光蚀刻,持续一生. 每块砖都是专门定制的,上面有你选择的铭文,并由学院安装. 除了, 你可以购买带有相同铭文的“迷你砖”, 放在家里或办公室,作为您对中交会的支持和信念的纪念, 我们的教职员工, 还有无数人,他们的生活因为进入我们的大门而受到了影响.


  • 扣除雇员工资

    Employees can make it super easy by having their donation automatically deducted from their paycheck. Deductions can be taken for any number of months and can be gifted to any specific fund the employee prefers. (完整的基金列表可在“捐赠奖学金”中找到,下载一份完整的 捐赠清单.)

    报名参加 扣除雇员工资.


  • 荣誉/纪念

    为纪念朋友、家人或所爱的人,可以向学院赠送礼物. Such gifts are acknowledged to the donor and to the person being honored or to the person's family if he/she is being memorialized.

  • 捐赠奖学金

    Establishing a scholarship is a relatively simple process which begins with a one-on-one meeting with a Foundation staff member who provides personal assistance in guiding donors through the development of their scholarship. 捐赠奖学金是永久性的命名基金. These funds are invested and a portion of the income generated is used to fund annual scholarship awards. 这种类型的奖学金是通过捐赠10美元来获得的,这可以一次完成,也可以在三到五年的时间内完成. If you wish to establish an endowment with the Foundation, please call Emily Hare at (919) 718-7230.

    下载一个 捐赠的完整清单.


    An endowment fund is funds set aside for the long-term benefit of the Foundation rather than for current operations. 它是一个永久性的基金,用它的收益来推进基金会和在线电子游戏网赌的使命. The principal amount of each endowment fund always stays intact while all or part of the earnings are used by the Foundation to fund scholarships, 基金捐赠人指定之计画或计划. The endowment funds are invested in equities and longer-term 债券 to achieve growth and an increasing stream of income.


    捐赠可以为基金会提供长期的稳定性. 因为捐赠的本金余额不能使用, 捐赠产生的收入是财政收入的重要来源. Endowed funds create a foundation for fiscal growth and stability while generating a reliable portion of income for scholarships, 学术项目, 以及学院的其他需求.


    捐赠有多种用途. 通过在线电子游戏网赌基金会, the majority of our endowments are mainly used for scholarships and to provide financial aid to students who need it, 尤其是在当前的经济形势下. Other endowments managed by the Foundation include a "Commitment to Excellence Endowment" and the "Marvin Joyner Endowment" which are used for special projects to advance the academic mission of the college and its pursuit of excellence, 设备需求, 校园美化, 以及学院的其他需求.

  • 奖学金

    非捐赠奖学金是命名的临时基金. They are commonly called "pass through" scholarships and can be established with a gift of any size. 只要捐助者向它们捐款,它们就保持活跃. 捐赠和非捐赠基金, the first step in the process of establishing a scholarship is specifying criteria that capture a donor's wishes.

    下载一个 完整的奖学金名单.

  • 限制资金

    储备金:只能用于特定目的的货币储备. Restricted funds provide reassurance to donors that their contributions will be used in a manner they have chosen.

    下载一个 限制资金的完整清单.

  • 无限制的资金

    Unrestricted funds are monies given to the 预备基金会 with no specific designation for the use of the funds by a donor. 这使得基金会可以把资金用在最能发挥作用的地方, 通过教育和培训实现学院赋予权力的使命.


    无限制资金是使一切成为可能的捐款. 这些礼物满足了在线电子游戏网赌广泛的需求, 包括在捐赠时通常无法预料的未来要求. The flexibility of the unrestricted gifts enables the Foundation to respond to the college's most pressing needs.


    无限制的资金可以支持设备购买, 学生突发事件, 课程计划需求, 教职员工发展, 教育会议, 还有许多其他项目不在国家预算范围内.


    • 学生突发事件
    • 教员/职员学费报销
    • 普通教育文凭毕业生奖学金
    • 中学生激光营
    • 在线电子游戏网赌为即将毕业的高中生举办的职业日